Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Feed & Water the Birds


Environmental Benefit: ★★★☆☆
There are over 200 species of migrating birds in the Western hemisphere. During any particular time of year some of them are migrating, and human influence is making it harder and harder for them to reach their destinations. Often migrations are made at night (particularly songbirds) so we don't even witness them. Their needs are simple - food, water, and shelter. A birdbath and some berry-producing trees go a long way to helping with the first two. Avoid using any pesticides.

Money Saved: ☆☆☆☆
Doesn't save you money, but doesn't cost a lot either.

Lifestyle Benefit: ★★★☆☆
How much do we benefit from songbirds? Is there a way to measure their worth?

What We’re Doing
We have a birdbath (pictured). We have a brushpile, which is an excellent source of shelter for many birds but not everyone wants one in their yard (can also shelter rodents & other pests). We also have quite a variety of plantlife some of which provides food to birds. Not to mention the spilled chicken feed that our hens manage to scatter - and which the "junk" birds (grackles in our area) and squirrel seem to love.

A Little Humor
"Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees." — David Letterman

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