Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Add Attic Insulation


Environmental Benefit: ★★★★
Unless you already have a well-insulated attic space, adding more insulation can save a considerable amount of heating/cooling energy. And many insulation products are recycled materials or waste from other industries.

Money Saved: ★★★☆☆
And with energy prices rising, saving energy also means saving money every month! Sure, it costs a little to add that insulation initially. But it's surprisingly affordable and in most areas of North America the payback is pretty fast.

Lifestyle Benefit: ★★☆☆☆
Your house will be more comfortable, and your furnace or A/C will be blowing less.

What We’re Doing
With winter coming on, most people in our country at least have been switching their thermostats to "Heat". One of the easiest and least expensive things you can do to save on your utility bills is to insulate your house better. When we first bought our house we noticed that the attic had a fairly minimal layer of blown-in rock wool insulation. We called an insulation contractor to come in and blow more insulation in - I don't remember what the cost was but remember being surprised at how cheap it was, somewhere around $200 I think. We probably made that back in the first 6 months heating bills. People in our area are always amazed when they hear how low our utility bills are, and this is one reason for it.

A Little Humor
Question: Why did the customer fire the insulation company?
Answer: They told him they were putting batts in his walls.

I have some information
Regarding your insulation
The R, Mrs. Farr
Is far from par
So the AC gets no vacation

It’s so cold in here said O’Toole
My hiney froze to the stool
The furnace man Joe
Said sir did you know
Your thermostat’s set to cool

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