Environmental Benefit: ★★★★★
Solar panels are quite durable - and generally have a warranty of 25 years. Since the main ingredient of a solar cell is sand (silicon) - it's pretty low-impact to manufacture and produces polution-free energy over it's entire lifetime. It's hardware components are almost completely recyclable.
Money Saved: ★★☆☆☆
Although solar panels are expensive, if you figure them as part of the cost of your house, and build them into the mortgage, they can actually be cheaper month-to-month than the electric bill that they eliminate (depending on the climate you live in - running large A/C units on solar can be impractical).
Lifestyle Benefit: ★★☆☆☆
Electricity is electricity - there's really no lifestyle change to using solar power over utility power. There can be occasional drawbacks though. During extended cloudy weather your batteries may get depleted - if you are completely "off-the-grid". Most systems are still attached to power though, and you can actually save money by selling power back to the utility company (acting as a "generator") during times you are producing more electricity than you are using.
What We’re Doing
We've started off small and put an 80 watt panel up on the roof (see photo). We got it as an anniversary present to ourselves a few years ago. It is cabled to a black Pelican box (also pictured) that contains four sealed wheelchair batteries, a solar charge controller, and an inverter (to produce 110VAC from the batteries). It produces enough electricity to run small items like fans during the day and a floor lamp at night. The batteries have enough storage to run a large box fan for several days if electricity to the house goes out (which makes summer power failures much more bearable!) It can also power a small refrigerator for a day or two for emergency food cooling. Eventually we hope to build a small home completely "off-the-grid" and rely on solar for all electric needs.
A Little Humor
At the Electric Company: "We would be de-lighted if you send in your bill. However, if you don't you will be "
Most books now say our sun is a star. But it still knows how to change back into a sun in the daytime.
1 comment:
Nice post!!!Thanks for share.
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