Thursday, November 18, 2010

Make a Greenhouse


Environmental Benefit: ★★★☆☆
Well, there isn't really an environmental benefit to a greenhouse directly, but by continuing to grow food during the cool season you are helping reduce the energy costs associated with bringing food to you from halfway around the world where it is warmer!

Money Saved: ★★☆☆☆
You can save a little money over the cost of store-bought foods, if you don't spend a lot on the greenhouse!

Lifestyle Benefit: ★★☆☆☆
Fresh fruits and vegetables! And you don't have to fret so much when a freeze comes along, as you've got protection for your garden.

What We’re Doing
Shannon made this little "dome tent" (seen in the background behind the young furniture finishers) using thin PVC pipe and sewing up some heavy translucent plastic. It allows most of the sun in, so the plants (in this case usually citrus trees that need freeze protection) can grow - but also traps enough heat that a light freeze during the night won't damage the trees. Here in Austin TX that's usually enough protection for them, although on a really cold night we'll sometimes put a hot lightbulb in there with them. In cooler climates, you'd have to use a more effective design. Shannon takes this apart and stores it in the shed during the warmer part of the year. You can also use "crop covers" for overnight freeze protection of garden beds that aren't in a greenhouse.

A Little Humor
Riddle: There was a green house.Inside the green house there was a white houseInside the white house there was a red house.Inside the red house there were lots of babies.What is it?

Answer: (backwards) nollemretaw a

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